Laugh or Scream

Pretty much I react in two ways. I laugh or I scream. I prefer to laugh, so work with me, people!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Second Verse Same As The First....

So when I created my original blog, I wasn't using gmail. Then I got an Android phone (aawwwweeeesome!) and started using gmail. However, I didn't realize the blog was tied to my Google account. So, I had to recreate it. I don't mind. I needed the hiatus. Honestly, I don't think anyone reads this thing but me. I think I've become one of those obnoxious people who just like to hear myself talk. It's cool though. I can live with that.


  1. Um. That's totally true with me and my blog. I suppose if we occasionally listen to each other in between listening to ourselves, that might be cool too.

  2. I have read every post you've written on your blog. I get to know more about you from what you write than from what you tell me. (tsk, tsk!) I just never comment because those freaking graphic security words make me feel stupid. It usually takes me THREE tries to figure out what the hell it is.
